Thursday, June 18, 2009

still super happy

So, life with this super happy little guy is such a blessing. Yes, we're still exhausted, and feel like we're running on empty most of the time--but deep down we know that our cups truly runneth over. The innocence and excitement in his eyes makes me sometimes forget about the stress at work. I walk in the door and see this smiling face, and somehow the burden I carried home with me seems rather insignificant. The moment we wake up (which seems quite early lately) he greets us with a smile. I am sometimes in awe of his "happy morning" zest for life, and I realize how much I need to learn from Jensen, and how many lessons he has taught us already. Aren't we supposed to be the one teaching him things? Instead, in just four months, Jensen has reminded us about the importance of family, and greeting each day with a smile, and that taking naps are ok, but playing with people you love is sometimes just too good to spoil with a nap, and that getting up early can help you accomplish a lot of things, and sticking to a schedule is important, and that when it is time for bed, you should simply go to bed, and that laughing with those that you love is the best medicine, and that sometimes a stuffed animal is the best friend (see Tigger, who brings him enjoyment each day) and that reading is really cool, even if what you are reading is a little "over your head" it is still an important activity, and that being able to jump and bounce and kick and laugh is stuff you shouldn't take for granted.

A close high school friend reminded me that "having a baby changes everything." She's right. My goals are shifting a little. I was almost becoming obsessed with climbing the corporate ladder at work---I wanted to be VP by the time I was 35, and I was willing to work 70+ hours to get there. So, I'm not yet 35, and still probably would like to accomplish great things in the next few years, but I'd like to slow my pace a bit--still working full time, but not content to work ALL of the time because deep down, in the past four months, I've learned that being a mommy to my son and a wife to my very best friend in the whole wide world is probably the best and most significant thing I'll ever accomplish. And, for that I am most thankful of all.

1 comment:

  1. Mindy, you've always had such an amazing way with words. You're an awesome mom and wife, and an amazing friend as well. I'm so happy for you that bringing Jensen into this world has changed your life in such an amazing way. And it only gets better from here! Love you all!
